American woman dating turkish man

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Unfortunately, the giving of gifts can get out of hand but that is a whole different topic. Is changing my religion can help us. I had heard stories of getting lots of extra attention from men if you were naturally si or red-headed, but that seemed normal since those are very distinct foreign looks. Especially if the case is about family or anyone they love. I am now in the process of trying to win my life back and move on it's harder then I thought. I'll sin back when I've figured out what I am going to do. I honestly have no idea if I will ever meet this man. It may be, but it may not be, and I get that.

I converted and I still do not get the respect of his wife that I deserve. We have been married for less then one yr and we fight constantly about culture and religion. When he doesnt get his way he pouts like a lil boy and punishes me by sleeping on the couch or ignoring me for days. If I do not give in and apologize then we will go on for weeks not talking. I have accepted Islam 100% and have bent over backwards to accomodate him and his family in everything, with everything. Bottom line is we christian Americans will never understand a muslim upbringing or the way that Turkish men think. It's ingrained in them from the time of birth. They live, eat and breathe Islam and though Islam is a peaceful religion, I find my husband uses it when its convienent for him to control me. I find that my Turkish man is never wrong and acts as though he is perfect and tells me often that I should be more submissive and our problems would disappear. In his eyes I'd be a great wife if I just agree with whatever he says and do and don't dare ask any questions. He fooled me with his calm, sensitive, romantic, loving way. He treated me like a queen in the beginning till he had me! Then it was over, I lost all power of myself my money and my children. I have lived a life of emotional manipulation, emotional abuse and I have reached in my pocket and spent my money many times for this man. No matter what I do it's never good enough I am not a good enough wife to him and he will often threaten to marry someone submissive when we divorce. I also have 2 children who he vowed to help me raise and anytime we fight he takes it out on them by giving them the silent treatment. I have been very hard on myself lately, I even started counseling to keep myself sane. I am now in the process of trying to win my life back and move on it's harder then I thought.. Please remember I am not stereotyping all muslim or Turks this is my experience only. Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the.

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